Friday, May 27, 2011

Tea party nut for president

Sarah Palin seems energized by the latest events in Republican politics. She’s touring historic sites on the East Coast this weekend in a big bus tour, and it’s being rumored she will announce her presidential candidacy.

Funny, if she runs, she might face Michele Bachmann, the congresswoman from Minnesota who is just as nutty a tea party holler as she is.

Poor GOP!

Party members are scrambling to get out from under tea party kidnapping.

Remember the Christian Coalition, the arm of the Religious Right organized to further their anti-abortion agenda? It effectively ruined the Republican Party and helped elect Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992.

The very same thing is happening today.

Not that I care.

I’m actually glad some lunatics are going to run against Barack Obama, assuring his victory at the polls in 2012.

I thought it amazing that Newt Gingrich outright rejected Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan on NBC, although he later recanting his objection.

Yet, a few Republican senators voted against “Ryancare” this week.

In a special election for a U.S. House seat, in a predominantly Republican district in New York, voters rejected GOP candidate Jane Corwin and voted for Democrat Kathy Hochul. Corwin campaigned in favor of the Ryan Plan. 

Now, while one could finger the Ryan Plan as the culprit, what really happened is that Independent candidate Jack Davis (tea party proponent) came in with 9 percent, stealing votes from Corwin, who got 43 percent.

Florida Legislature Republicans are scrambling with these same divisions in open challenge with their own tea party governor, Rick Scott.

I’ll say, let ‘em fight. This is the only way the tea party’s real agenda — make abortion effectively illegal — will never advance.

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